Fabricio Teixeira
Design director at Work & Co based in Brooklyn NY, founder of uxdesign.cc, curator of the largest UX blog in South America.
I believe in user-centered design and knowledge sharing.
Recent engagements:
Launched a third-of-its-kind end-of-year trends report
Launched and taught a 3-day Product and Service Design class at R/GA University
Interviewed by CommArts about UX, writing and knowledge sharing
Joined the Awwwards jury
Won three silver design lions at the Cannes Festival
Launched a side project on UX Brutalism, featured by Fast Company
Interviewed by Interfaces Lovers on design, career and inspiration
Edited a series of articles about Diversity & Design
Interviewed by San Francisco Design Week about Diversity
Won a D&AD Pencil (User Experience) with a bot that builds bots
Invited by Google to write about Chatbots for brands
Spoke at MoNage on Why Chatbots Fail
Launched a UX chatbot
Launched uxdesign.cc, the biggest UX publication on Medium
Won the Grand Cube Award at R/GA
Interviewed for a Mobile UX documentary at Google
Ran a Connected Devices workshop at IxDA San Francisco
Published a book about UX fundamentals at Casa do Código
Spoke at the Google office about Mobile UX
Created and taught a UX class at Miami Ad School
Spoke at World Information Architecture Day
Won 3 awards at One Show Interactive NY
Worked on the first ever crowdsourced car
Won a lion at Cannes Festival
Spoke twice at EBAI
Recent writing:
How to infuse diversity and inclusion in design
You don’t need to know everything about UX
Asking the right questions during user research, interviews and testing
The truths no one will tell you about moving to a new country
Design is diversity: it’s time to talk about our role as designers
What is the real role of a design portfolio website?
Hey, can you ‘do the UX’ for us?
Best practices for public speaking in design conferences and events
Diversity in design: what can I do as a designer, today?
Are the UX articles you’re reading trying to sell you something?
How UX helped me learn English
A few things I learned from #Interaction17
The connected experience designer
We need more companies like Medium
The 5 questions you should be asking yourself all day, everyday
Designing experiences for startups
Ten startups looking to redefine the future of Commerce
The (frustrating) User Experience of defining your own ethnicity
The right tool for the job: picking the best prototyping software for your project
“It’s a bummer that the implementation looks completely different than what we designed”